NA Literature
NA Literature
Here you will find various NA Readings, Informational Pamphlets, Group Service material, and Prayers that are commonly used in NA meetings. Just click on the reading title to get more information about that specific reading. Find out more about the NA Program and Group service by reading the various readings that are available here.
If you are interested in ordering NA Books & Literature, please visit NA World Services.
Informational Pamphlets (IPs)
Informational Pamphlets (IPs)
IP #1
IP #2
IP #5
IP #6
IP #7
IP #8
IP #9
IP #11
IP #13
IP #14
IP #12
IP #15
IP #16
IP #17
IP #19
IP #20
IP #21
IP #22
IP #23
IP #24
IP #26
IP #27
Group Service Material
Group Service Material
Serenity Prayer
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Third Step Prayer
Many of us have said, "Take my will and my life. Guide me in my recovery. Show me how to live."
~Basic Text, pg. 26
Gratitude Prayer
"My gratitude speaks, When I care and When I share with others the NA way." ~Basic Text, pg. 109